Monday, September 12, 2011

Vitamins for Fibromyalgia

I'm kind of surprised that my rheumatologist doesn't seem to believe in anything but regular medications (not that she's against vitamins, but she doesn't seem to think they will do much for me). All the vitamins I take are from my own research, not from anything my doctor has encouraged. Someone in the HealingWell forum said that endocrinologists care about vitamins, but other doctors don't. So I have been on my own to find vitamins. Most of the D3 and B vitamins I have on hand I purchased at a really low price, by taking advantage of buy-on-get-one-free sales and using coupons on top of that. Some of my D3 vitamins only cost me a dollar a bottle! But now that I'm looking further into vitamins, I may be able to find a better variety by looking online. Sherrine from healing well forum recommended Puritan's Pride online, so I am going to try them. Puritan's Pride is also listed on, so by going through Ebates, I'll be able to get 5% back on my vitamins. But now to figure out WHAT I need to get.

Here is a list I found online. I already take those that are in bold type. I need to also look into Malic Acid. D-Ribose is another nutritional supplement that might be helpful (but it's expensive)...I also don't want to accidentally poison myself by using the wrong amount of vitamins or decrease effectiveness by taking some vitamins together that would be better taken at different times of day or with different foods. So it's going to take more research, which is probably why a lot of doctors don't want to bother with this stuff.

Nutritional Supplements Fibromyalgia

  • Glucosamine & MSM -It was shown in one study that when glucosamine and chondroitin were used in combination some reduction in pain was noted in patients who demonstrated moderate to severe pain
  • SAMe is recommended and has been found to reduce pain, fatigue, morning stiffness, muscle aches, and moodiness in clinical studies.
  • Rhodiola rosea intake on physical capacity, muscle strength, speed of limb movement, reaction time, and in a study at Katholieke Universiteit Leuven in Belgium study participants stated having improved endurance, and exercise capacity.
  • Omega-3 Fatty Acids – Omega 3 fatty acids can be found in fish oil that is rich in both EPA and docosahexaenoic acid. These compounds both provide excellent anti-inflammatory properties when taken.
  • Vitamin B12- Vitamin B12 has been shown to help relieve back pain in some studies, and some fibromyalgia patients report that they have less pain and tenderness try this natural supplement.
  • Vitamin D3- it is important to note that the amount of vitamin D that the body can produce or store in the fat cells decreases as we age, thus increasing vitamin D deficiencies. Many individuals with fibromyalgia symptoms have found relief from muscle weakness, muscle and bone pain, and claim to sleep better as well.
  • Magnesium and Calcium can play a pivotal role and antagonistic roles in regulating your body’s muscle function. These two supplements work in unison to help the mechanism needed for muscle contraction and relaxation of all muscles.

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