Saturday, November 17, 2012

Cheeks turning red and hot

From time to time, I have bouts if my cheeks burning, getting so red and hot they actually hurt!

People would often say "Oh, it must be rosacea, I have that too." As if any time cheeks turn red, it must be rose-ayshiuh!
Rosacea is commonly referred to as adult acne, and true, I am 47-years-old and I do still get acne!

However, I don't remember any acne I've ever had feeling like this. Add this to my ling list of Fibromyalgia symptoms then.

Some people collect comic books, some people collect coins, stamps or bottles. I collect symptoms. Sigh.

1 comment:

  1. DITTO! DURING FLARE UP TIME FOR ME! JUST ONE MORE THING TO THE RIDICULOUS LIST! If I had to choose .. i;ll take the red cheeks over the pain any day!
