Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Mom drives me nuckin futs

My mom was very irritating today. We went to her accountant to have her taxes done & I asked her if she wanted me to go in the office with her or if I should wait in the waiting room. She said she wanted me to go in with her, that would help her. So I did. Then she basically told me to shut up when we were in there & made a crack about "did you take your TALKATIVE medicine today?!?" WTF. She did sort of apologize, saying she didn't mean to hurt my feelings, but she pulled the same type of shit on me last year in the same office, by saying "You need a MUZZLE!' I do not think I will go in the office with her next year.

Then we went to have her hair cut. The hairdresser found a blackhead looking thing on the back of my mom's neck. Got to mom's place & she wanted me to "take care of it" for her. Well you know, that meant squeezing it. I felt her neck was going to get bruised (mother is elderly). So I wet a paper towel with warm water to see if we could soften it up. Used a sterilized needle and tweezers on it. I really don't want to go too far with it. I think it could be an ingrown hair and not a blackhead. But I did my best with it and put Neosporin and a band-aid on it. I hope it will look better next time I see her. I know it needed to be done, but ewwwwww!

Before he blackhead adventure, while we were in the way to her house, I mentioned he different stores we'd be passing, to see if mom wanted to go to any of them because she doesn't drive. She said,"You know, you'll have a lot more money if you stay OUT of stores." ... As if *I* wanted to go shopping!

No I didn't want to go shopping, but SHE might want to, since she can't just get in the car to go places anytime she wanted to & heck - I was passing right by them!

Actually I dislike shopping, I feel sick in a lot of stores. Anyway, that was her snide reminder that I owe her money. She also made a comment about my new tennis shoes. Yes, I splurged on a pair of new clearance tennis shoes because pieces were coming off my old pair and there's only so many times I can paint them white!

Jeez, I feel like frickin Charlotte Vale! (Character played by Bette Davis in 'Now Voyager'. Look it up, great movie)

Then in the evening, my daughter was a real jerk to me...which is hurtful since she knew I had already had a difficult day. I guess it comes from not seeing her mom as a real person, with feelings. I try not to hurt anyone's feelings. Tonight I got pulled into my daughter's hurt feelings from her father. He was teasing her and he needs to stop that crap.

I sent some new photos of my haircut to M, I was hoping to get an email. I wish I understood if I am really loved or being used.

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