Thursday, August 18, 2011

Fibromyalgia - Trichotillomania connection?

I have Trichotillomania -- I hate to admit it, but while I'm just throwing my whole life out here, I might as well mention compulsive hair pulling. I have been pulling for at least 30 years, maybe even longer. There have been periods of time that I have not pulled, and I haven't been able to figure out why I did NOT do it then. The times I stopped weren't special times of low stress island vacations or anything. Nothing special about the times I did not pull, is what I'm trying to say here. It started with eyelashes, eventually progressed to eyebrows. I've never pulled hair from my head.

So now I'm thinking, could the Trichotillomania and the Fibromyalgia be related somehow? Maybe I have been more sensitive to the existence of my eyelashes? I do have itching, and it seems like the pulling stops that. Yes, I've been to therapists and I get told I'm not a mental case. I've been recommended to do anxiety/panic attack exercises and to get more physical exercise. Anything that reduces stress.

I don't get stressed out by the hair pulling anymore. I've accepted that it's just something that I do. I don't like it, but I won't beat myself up over it. Because it seems to chastise myself would just make everything worse. I try to be my own best friend.

I did find a support forum where the folks are discussing a connection between Fibromyalgia and Trichotillomania, and another site that discusses Sensory Processing Disorder, and that trichsters may be seeking internal soothing, and that it's about the nervous system.

In order to be able to function normally, our bodies must maintain a number of different systems in a state of balance, called homeostasis. This internal regulation affects body temperature, blood pressure, heart rate, respiration, and internal levels of stimulation. With an SPD child or adult, if stimulation is too great, it results in stress to the body. If too low, the child or adult falls into a state of sensory deprivation. There is scientific evidence suggesting that in order to function at an optimum level, we all need a certain level of stimulation that is neither too high nor too low. With an SPD child or adult, their nervous system seems unable to easily and automatically regulate and manage these levels. When not working properly, the individual feels compelled, not even being aware of it, to seek sensory input.


  1. You are not alone!!!.....I have had Trich since I was 8 years old. And was diagnosed 2 years ago with Fibro...I am 46 years old...I believe there is a pre existing relationship between the two.....but I do not have medical just observatiional

    1. I think they're related too. There is so much that even "experts" don't know. Our stories are similar. I'll be 50 in July.

      Thanks for commenting! I hope you will come back and visit.

  2. Oh my goodness, I have never found anything so word for word explaining how I feel! I have not been diagnosed, but the signs are all there.
    I was wondering, do you ever feel like you have to even out the length of your lashes? I'm not sure if it's part of Trichotillomania or it is just ocd participating in the problem.
    Also, with Trichotillomania, does it ever cause you to be extra sensitive to tickling as well as pain from poking? I want to have a good idea of what's involved in the disorder before I talk to a doctor. Thanks!

    1. Even out the eyelashes ... Yes. That part of it is probably OCD, but I don't personally think Trich is ALL Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, just that certain aspects are.

      The sensitivity could be Fibromyalgia.

  3. Love that you guys created this post as I've had Trich since I was in the 3rd grade and I'm 32, I was recently diagnosed w
    Fibro but I've had it for years I know it! If anyone's in nyc and wants to meetup for a coffee id love to connect!

  4. This is all amazing to read. I've had Trich since I was 15 (28 now) I've had chronic pain and bad anxiety for around 10 years. I've just found out my 3 cousins have the same symptoms, 2 of whom have just been diagnosed with Fibro. I've never told anyone about my Trich (they think I really love wearing hats) the pain and anxiety is harder to cover up so everyone knows about it. I really think it is definitely all linked. I've found an anti-inflammatory diet helps a lot, along with going easy on myself and taking every day as it comes. Stay strong everyone!
