Monday, August 22, 2011

Worth Considering

I think Dr. Ali knows what he's talking about. He says the pain of Fibromyalgia is caused by tissues wanting oxygen and that acids and toxins need to be removed. Our brains need oxygen and brain nutrients. We have not enough oxygen and too many acids. Look to the toxicity of foods and focus on natural therapies. He says many of us will show positive for mold allergies and possibly parasites. Problems with digestive and absorptive functions and sluggish stomach.

He seems to be against antidepressant and pain medication use because it can lead to dependencies. I'm really taking this to heart, as I've never been a person to just want to put a "Band Aid" on a problem, but get to the root cause of the problem, and I do know I have problems with mold and food intolerance (see today's earlier post) are definitely in play in my symptoms.

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