Monday, August 22, 2011

Prescriptions for Fibromyalgia

My doc prescribed Ultram, Elavil, and Flexaril. I haven't gotten them filled yet, because I got the prescription on Friday and later in the day realized I need them to write the Rx for a 90 day supply to fax it into our prescription drug plan. I had all my questions/concerns written down, but when it got to the prescription, my brain was not there & I totally forgot what we had to do with my prescription. But now that I read these responses, I'm not so sure these meds are even going to help. Rheuma doc seems to think they will. I am feeling somewhat disgusted and depressed this morning. Woke up to the car having a flat tire. Great <<<--- That is sarcasm, that right there. lol

Ultram - A semi-narcotic pain reliever
Elavil - An antidepressant that is supposed to increase serotonin levels in the brain
Flexaril - A muscle relaxant

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