Sunday, February 23, 2014

Early Festivus

It is time for the airing of grievances. It isn't Festivus yet, but I'm celebrating early lest I rip off some heads in my PMDD state. No I'm not kidding.

On the good side of things, I figured out how not to have to get up to put half pint of dairy free Chocolate Obsession ice cream away. Eat the whole pint.

The only thing I regret is that I will not have any to eat tomorrow.

Ok, to the grievances, annoyances, etc. Keep in mind this is mostly for me. It is to help myself work out some stuff and maybe even find some solutions through self-talk. You may not understand all if them, but I do. I may not go into a lot of detail.

*JD - yep, faker.
*PIO - weak.
*GL/SL/SS - So you stole my logo from my site...I'm sure you didn't know, but pretty funny how you thought you were so trendy and original. If a major corporation couldn't succeed in selling local advertising, why do you think you can?
*ACD - selfish & immature, I hope that will change
*SDD - doing better, a little too into self. This hopefully will change.
*SR - You've got to grow up, you aren't a baby anymore. I am sorry I really lost my temper with you. I will apologize tomorrow.
*KJ - I'm at a loss. We are going to need help.
*MR - I care for you and I love you but I'm not IN love with you. I wish I could get you to get help for the childhood sexual abuse you suffered, but I can't even get you to accept a dental appointment!
*KA - You need to stop gossiping. My way of dealing with you is to not give you any important information.
*People Who Only Contact Me When THEY Need Something I Can Do For Them - I realize you probably don't mean to do this, but fact is, you DO. My availability will become less frequent until you find another to leech off of. I've unfriended on Facebook. If you notice, I hope it doesn't hurt your feelings badly. I don't mean to be mean, but I need to protect myself.
*I find I'm happier when Facebook time is limited. I'll use Facebook on Sundays only now.
*Patch - You came in and destroyed a lot of blogs, just to fail yourself. Plus your CEO is a dick. Actually, he's a Tim, but you get what I'm sayin.

Looking over this, I see I have a lot of anger and resentment over my small local venture ending. I'm still connected in some ways, but maybe I should completely cut the cord? I'll start with Facebook only on Sundays, see how I feel.after that, then adjust from there.

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